Doug Fine
Doug Fine is a New Mexico-based bestselling author, regenerative hemp farmer and solar-powered goat herder. His latest book, American Hemp Farmer, is nominated for the Santa Fe Reporter’s 2021 Book of the Year award, and helped announce the arrival of the regenerative farming renaissance. His focus for the past 15 years has been regenerative living for regular folks, beginning with his Boston Globe bestseller Farewell, My Subaru which is about his effort to live with far fewer fossil fuels. Doug has cultivated hemp food for farm-to-table products and seed-building in six U.S. states, and his own hemp seed variety has been used to clean soil in a New Mexico university study. In addition to American Hemp Farmer and Farewell, My Subaru, his books include Too High to Fail and Hemp Bound. Willie Nelson calls Doug’s work “a blueprint for the America of the future.” The Washington Post says, “Fine is a storyteller in the mold of Douglas Adams.” A website of Doug’s books and audiobooks, and print, radio and television work, United Nations testimony, Conan and Tonight Show appearances, TED Talk and online regenerative hemp course is at -- His global work from Rwanda, Guatemala and Alaska has appeared in the New York Times

Magazine, the Washington Post, Wired, Esquire and the Los Angeles Times, and before his television and book career, he was a long-time correspondent for NPR from five continents. Doug has collaborated on regenerative hemp advising, farming and genetics projects in numerous U.S. States and on Tribal lands. Twitter and Instagram: @organiccowboy
Check out these resources from Doug Fine:

Interested in learning, really learning, about regenerative hemp from soil to market?
Registration is open for the immersive, online regenerative hemp course that American Hemp Farmer and Hemp Bound author Doug Fine is offering alongside the great folks at the half-century-old Acres USA farming organization.
Register today HERE

The inside story of the world’s most fascinating and lucrative crop from gonzo journalist–turned–hemp farmer Doug Fine.
Hemp, the non-psychoactive variant of cannabis (or marijuana) and one of humanity’s oldest plant allies, has quietly become the fastest industry ever to generate a billion dollars of annual revenue in North America. From hemp seed to hemp fiber to the currently ubiquitous cannabinoid CBD, this resilient crop is leading the way toward a new, regenerative economy that contributes to soil and climate restoration―but only if we do it right.
In American Hemp Farmer, maverick journalist and solar-powered goat herder Doug Fine gets his hands dirty with healthy soil and sticky with terpenes growing his own crop and creating his own hemp products. Fine shares his adventures and misadventures as an independent, regenerative farmer and entrepreneur, all while laying out a vision for how hemp can help right the wrongs of twentieth-century agriculture, and how you can be a part of it.